The Deadlands


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Home Settlement Wretched Spire
Race Dark Seducer Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Daedra
Reading her book

Olesella is a Dark Seducer who can be found in the Wretched Spire. She can be found sitting on a crate next to Skoedal and reading a book, or standing in front of Griz's stall.


She makes lewd proposals.

"Come, mortal, I require satisfaction. I have very particular needs and you probably won't survive the experience, but I assure you, it will be memorable!"
"Does the mortal like what they see? So does Olesella! Go find someplace secluded and wait for me. I'll be along momentarily. I promise!"
"Are you smitten, mortal? I understand that my kind can have that effect on you.
If not, then please tell me what I'm doing wrong and I'll attempt to do better."