Online:Nathon Ice-Storm

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Nathon Ice-Storm
Home City Riften
Location Faldar's Tooth, Riften docks
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Nathon Ice-Storm

Nathon Ice-Storm is a Nord soldier of the Ebonheart Pact. He was tasked with investigating Faldar's Tooth along with his younger brother Israk.

After the quest, he and his brother can later be found fishing across the bridge from the crafting hall, in front of the Fighters Guildhall.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After freeing his brother, you will find him in the western tunnel leading towards the southernmost chamber, where Rozelun lies.

"You … you're not one of these cultists. Get me out of here."
Your brother sent me to free you.
"Thank the gods he lives. We agreed that if we separated and neither one of us could reach the other, we'd try to get out on our own and meet at the Riften docks.
When you get out of this pit, you should meet us there."
I will. Now, hold still and I'll untie you.

He runs out of the ruins after you free him. You must meet the brothers at the docks in Riften. After the quest:

"Thank you again. I made sure to put myself in harm's way to protect my little brother. Unfortunately, he learned nothing and thinks I caused us to get caught.
Ah, youth."