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Location Skald's Retreat
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Hjelda is a Nord bard found at the Skald's Retreat. She'll teach you the music to the "Song of Sinmur".

The vision of Hjelda

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When you find Sage Odana, you will find Hjelda's unconscious body alongside several other unconscious skalds.

You will need to learn the tune of the Song of Sinmur from her dream vision. She will be found overlooking from a meadow and appears to be dreaming in being in Whiterun:

"Another fan of my music, eh? What brings you to Whiterun?"
Sorry, Whiterun?
"Of course! People come for miles around to hear me play. Do you have any requests?"
Uhh, sure. Do you know the "Song of Sinmur"?
"Of course! Listen as I pick it out on the strings. One of my favorites, very tricky."

Speaking to her again after learning the tune:

"I hope you like the tune. Remember to listen closely, let the melody flow over you."

Speaking to her again after you learned the entire song and before speaking to Sage Odana:

"This tune is for everyone listening from the Ashlands. Raise your flagons, Dark Elves!"

While you are defending Maraamur while he's playing the Song of Sinmur, Hjelda's dream vision will appear to support the skald.

Once you succeeded in driving off Vaermina's forces, Hjelda will be awake.