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Home City Lilmoth
Location Marshland Market
Store Seaside Charms
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Enchanter

Gorendir is a Wood Elf enchanter who runs Seaside Charms within the Marshland Market in Lilmoth. He is not fazed by the hostile environment of Murkmire as it reminds him of home.


"You picked a fine place for enchanting, friend. Massive wamasu, giant insects, poisonous plants, murderous locals … kind of reminds me of home!"
"You've come to do some enchanting, eh? I just might be able to help with that."
"Plenty of runes hereabout, friend—ripe for the picking! You just have to avoid the snakes, the plants, the mud traps, the poison vapors … you get the idea."
"You're welcome to use my tools, friend. Just remember to knock the mud off your boots when you come in. I'm running a business here, not a pigsty!"