
Online:Gladiator Fezreba

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Gladiator Fezreba
Home City Vivec City
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier
Other Information
Faction(s) Circle of Champions
Gladiator Fezreba

Gladiator Fezreba is a Khajiit soldier who can be found in Vivec City, preparing for the Battlegrounds with the other gladiators.


She talks about the Battlegrounds.

"It does not much matter what team Fezreba plays for, as long as the gold is right."
"The Pit Daemons, the Fire Drakes, the Storm Lords, they are nothing but hot air. This one will speak to them when she is cold, if only to warm her paws."
"This one fights among many in the Battleground. As such, she might have to battle you one day. So perhaps it is best not to speak to her, yes?"