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Online:Festus Sertorius

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Festus Sertorius
Home Settlement Ontus
Store Soldier's Fortune Market
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Merchant
Festus Sertorius

Festus Sertorius is an Imperial merchant who can be found in Ontus.


"I have a few goods to trade. Nothing like what you can get in Skingrad, but I'll happily take anything extra you have off your hands."
"Is it bad that I'd rather not do business with the ranch hands or quarriers right now? That fatigue fever scares me witless!
Oh, but if you want to trade, I suppose you look healthy enough."

After completing the Ontus Objective, his dialogue will have changed:

"You're the deputy that helped the constable, aren't you? Thanks for cleaning up Ontus, friend!
I'd give you a discount, but times are tough all around. You understand, right?"
"I'm so glad the threat of fatigue fever is behind us. Now we can get back to business!
So, what can I sell you today?"