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Location Lilmoth, Dead-Water Village
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 133,844
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Bright-Throat Tribe

Dajaleen is an Argonian of the Bright-Throat Tribe who is first encountered just outside the western gate of Lilmoth. She recognizes you as a friend of Xukas and comes to you for help.

Recently there have been several disturbing incidences where local Argonians have been skinned alive and later displayed as living macabre displays—attributed to someone they have named "The Skin Taker". She wants your help investigating and tracking down the culprit.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]


As you approach at the western entrance to Lilmoth, you can hear her call out:

Dajaleen: "Friend of Xukas. A moment. Please."

She can then be asked what is wrong.

"You are the one Xukas spoke of, yes? Friend to the Bright-Throats? I need your help. We need your help.
One of our tribe has been killed. Brutally."
What happened?
"Danlai was skinned alive. Whoever did that to him wanted to send a message. They left his body on display. He was not dead when we found him, but there was nothing we could do other than wet his tongue before the end."
Sounds like a threat, or a warning.
"Then it is a warning to many. Our Root-Heralds held a moot with our allies and learned that Danlai was not the only Saxhleel to suffer this fate.
Xukas says you are one to be trusted. Would you please help prevent this from happening again?"
I hope to live up to his faith in me.

You can then ask her additional questions.

"You should speak to Milzus, in Bright-Throat Village. She is the one who found poor Danlai. Be gentle with her. She was quite shaken by what she saw.
I will await word from you at Dead-Water Village. It is the safest place I can think of."
Why do you feel you're safe among the Dead-Water tribe?
"Thus far the killer has taken the young, the old, and the sick. The Dead-Water are fierce warriors, without mercy. None of their tribe have been counted among the Skin Taker's victims. Perhaps the murderer is a coward. I can only hope."
What if the killer is one of the Dead-Water?
"It's true that the Dead-Water wear skins of the dead, but only those of their own tribe. It is to honor their fallen. I can't imagine one of them killing with such cowardice.
It's a risk I'm willing to take."
Why come to me for this? Don't the tribes have ways of dealing with this kind of crime?
"We do not think this is something spawned from our nest-bed. This is not how Saxhleel resolve their differences. Even Black-Tongues would not torture someone they intended to kill. It would not serve the Hist.
It must be someone beyond their roots."
Let's say it is an outsider. Who would you suspect?
"I would not be surprised if the Skin Taker was among the Blackguards, but even they are rarely so meticulous in their violence. It takes patience, a steady hand, and a stone heart to skin something alive."
Why give the killer a moniker like Skin Taker? (Option only appears once one of the above is selected.)
"Why would we not? Saxhleel name many things according to their nature. When I speak of the Skin Taker to my root-kin, there is no confusion of whom I am speaking about."
Notoriety might be what the killer wants.
"I take your meaning—I think. All the more reason for you to help us find the truth. For lack of anything to grasp upon, we can only thrash about in search for answers."

Dead-Water Village[edit]

Julitta the Skin Taker[edit]

She can be found in the center of town, alongside Guhcin, having arrived while you were tracking down the Skin Taker. If she is spoken to before reporting your success to Guhcin, she will speak of her uneasiness of violence being the answer.

"I grew worried after Guhcin told me you left to hunt the Skin Taker. He seems so certain that violence is the only recourse left to us. I don't want to believe that, but with acts so heinous, what other punishment could meet the crime?"

Hostia Asellus the Skin Taker[edit]

However, if it turns out that someone else is the Skin Taker, she will instead be the one that is reported to.

"I'm glad to see you unharmed. The Dead-Water said you had passed through here in your search for the Skin Taker. I was beginning to worry."
I found the Skin Taker. She won't trouble anyone again.
"Truly? You have done us another great service. For all of Murkmire, in fact.
Many will ask what brought about this terrible brutality. Did you discover anything to make sense of it?"
She was a Blackguard who turned slaver after her husband was executed by an Argonian tribe.
"That is why the Bright-Throats advocate for mercy. We can achieve peaceful coexistence between all the tribes if we abandon the need to answer violence with violence."
If I hadn't asked the Dead-Water to spare her, these killings would have never happened.
"We'll never become so combative as the Dead-Water, but perhaps its time to accept that compromise can't always be the answer. A hard lesson.
On the bright side, the trouble at hand is over. Please, accept our gratitude for all you've done."

Regardless who the killer's identity is, after you report the Skin Taker's death and complete the quest, if you speak to her again, she will decide to stay at the village for awhile:

"I'll stay with the Dead-Water for awhile. I'd like to see more of their perspective. Tree-Minder Pavu is certain to see wisdom where I did not."