Online:An Eye for an Eye
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Razum-dar asked for my help with a mission to stop a pirate captain named Redblade from raising an armada.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Razum-dar
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
An Eye for an Eye | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Raz wants me to distract a pair of thugs that are tailing him. I should search the tavern for a way to distract them so he can slip away unnoticed.
Objective: Distract the Thugs
Hidden Objective: Distract the Thugs
Hidden Objective: Examine the Documents
Hidden Objective: Collapse the Sea Cave
Objective Hint: Talk to the Performer
Objective Hint: Talk to the Server
Objective Hint: Talk to the Sailor
Objective Hint: Tamper with the Ale Cask
I managed to throw off the thugs tailing Razum-dar. I should find him outside, near the tavern.
Objective: Meet Razum-dar Near the Tavern
I found Razum-dar outside of the tavern. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
Razum-dar suggested we tail the thugs to find out who they're working for. We should watch for them to leave the tavern.
Objective: Follow the Thugs
Raz wants to follow the thugs and see if they lead us to whoever they're working for.
Objective: Follow the Thugs
Raz thinks he knows who hired the thugs. I should speak to him to learn more.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
Raz thinks the pirate Redblade has hired a local crime boss to throw the spy off the scent. He asked me to meet him at Yves Grandvache's gambling parlor, which is in a set of rooms inside Vastyr's Outlaws Refuge.
Objective: Enter the Gambling Parlor in the Outlaws Refuge
Razum-dar is somewhere in this gambling parlor. I should find him so we can figure out our next move.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
The fixer Yves Grandvache is in the patrician suite, an area reserved for winners and their guests. Raz suggested I try winning a card game to gain access.
Objective: Win a Tribute Match in Grandvache's Casino
It's time to enter the patrician suite and confront Yves Grandvache.
Objective: Enter the Patrician Suite
Only by confronting Yves Grandvache can Razum-dar and I learn where to find Redblade.
Objective: Find Yves Grandvache
Razum-dar and I found Yves Grandvache. We should eavesdrop on the fixer and see what we can learn.
Objective: Eavesdrop on the Conversation
We found the pirate Redblade! Time to enter the fray and confront them.
Objective: Confront Redblade
Redblade has escaped and the crime boss has called his guards. I should find a way out of the gambling parlor.
Objective: Escape the Gambling Parlor
I should check in with Razum-dar about what we learned in the patrician suite.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
Razum-dar stole a number of documents from Yves Grandvache that might indicate where the Aquilarios Bequest is hidden. He needs my help to look through them.
Objective: Examine the Documents
I've discovered the location of the Aquilarios Bequest in Yves Grandvache's notes. I should head to Fauns' Thicket and hopefully stop Redblade from claiming their prize.
Objective: Go to Fauns' Thicket
I should search Fauns' Thicket for the entrance to the sea cave. Within, we may just find Redblade and the Aquilarios Bequest.
Objective: Find the Sea Cave in Fauns' Thicket
I found the entrance to the sea cave. Time to head inside and confront Redblade.
Objective: Enter the Sea Cave
Somewhere within the sea cave should be Redblade and the Aquilarios treasure. I need to search the area.
Objective: Search the Sea Cave
I found Redblade's crew in the midst of excavating the shipwreck. I should talk to Razum-dar about our plan of attack.
Objective: Talk to Razum-dar
Razum-dar wants to collapse the cavern, denying anyone the chance to claim the Aquilarios Bequest. He needs me to destroy pillars around this cavern using alchemical charges.
Objective: Collapse the Sea Cave
Hidden Objective: Collapse the Sea Cave
The sea cave is collapsing! I should make my escape.
Objective: Escape the Sea Cave
I should speak to Razum-dar about the Aquilarios Bequest. |
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.