
Online:Adept Muvrulea

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Adept Muvrulea
Home City Sadrith Mora
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 13,846
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Adept Muvrulea

Adept Muvrulea is a Dark Elf member of House Telvanni who can be found at the docks in Sadrith Mora, talking with Adept Sendet and Adept Velanda.


Occasionally you can hear her and her fellow Telvanni adepts having a discussion:

Adept Velanda: "I'm glad that this town sprung up around Tel Naga. It allows me to study some interesting things."
Adept Muvrulea: "Yes. The isolation of the island had made for many hours of uninterrupted study."
Adept Sendet: "If only there weren't so many outlanders wandering our streets."
Adept Velanda: "Ah, but some of these outlanders can teach us much. Observe them and take note. You'll understand."

After the Library of Andule is found:

Adept Sendet: "Interesting diorama they have in Vivec City."
Adept Muvrulea: "Yes, yes, most interesting. A miniature version of all of Vvardenfell, shown in great detail."
Adept Sendet: "I wonder if we could bring it here? Our mages are much better at discovering secrets than those glorified scholars working for the temple."

Sendet and Muvrulea will spawn alone together sometimes, wherein they'll start talking about Suran.

Adept Muvrulea: "Suran's citizens must be frightened out of their minds! Some vigilante is running around and threatening people."
Adept Sendet: "The things that happen outside these towers never cease to amaze me."
Adept Muvrulea: "That vigilante better stay in Suran or he'll have our mages to contend with!"