Online:A Cordial Collaboration
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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
The assassin Naryu Virian must kill a Dark Elf noble in Kvatch to fulfill a contract for her shadowy organization. However, she doesn't want to attract the attention of the Dark Brotherhood as she completes her work, so she asked for my help.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Naryu Virian outside Castle Kvatch and speak to her.
- You will find Naryu Virian hiding on the left side of the Castle across the moat, near the Underground Tunnel.
- Enter Castle Kvatch and find your way to the Dark Elf noble's room.
- Open the secret passage and allow Naryu to complete her contract.
- Exit the castle, making sure somebody notices you on your way out.
- Meet Naryu at the inn and talk to her.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
- The secret passages that could be used to access the deeper sections of Castle Kvatch during the quest "A Special Request" cannot be used again during this quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
A Cordial Collaboration | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I agreed to help Naryu complete her contract and then take credit for the crime. I should ask her to tell me more about her target and find out if she has a plan for sneaking into Castle Kvatch.
Objective: Talk to Naryu Virian
I need to reach the room where Dathus Ildrim is hiding and open a secret passage. This will allow Naryu to covertly enter the castle, dispatch her target, and leave without being spotted.
Objective: Find Dathus Ildram's Room
Dathus is fast asleep. I need to open the secret passage so Naryu can enter his room and dispatch him.
Objective: Open the Secret Passage
Naryu has arrived to dispatch Dathus Ildrim. I should stand back and let her complete her contract without interference.
Objective: Allow Naryu To Complete Her Contract
Naryu allowed Dathus to call for the Castle Kvatch sentinels before she killed him. To fulfill my part of the bargain, I need to leave by the main entrance and make sure someone spots me so I can take credit for assassinating Dathus.
Complete one: Get Spotted in the Courtyard or Get Spotted in the Castle
I made sure I was seen leaving Castle Kvatch so that I'm sure to be blamed for the assassination of the Dark Elf noble. I should meet Naryu at the inn and wrap up our business arrangement.
Objective: Talk to Naryu Virian
Naryu confirmed that no one spotted her leaving the castle. Her secret is safe, thanks to my help. I should find out what she plans to do next.
Objective: Talk to Naryu Virian
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.