Oblivion talk:Aloys Bincal
Can't be "murdered?"[edit]
Not sure why, but Aloys Bincal and his wife Callia (at least before starting the Goblin Wars quest) can't be "murdered" in the crime sense. They can both be killed, but neither counts as murder in the journal. Nor does killing either of them start the Dark Brotherhood quest line.
In addition, while Callia will flee after being attacked, Aloys simply spouts from the standard "Assault" dialog responses. A cursory glance at the CS AI data for the two reveals low aggression and confidence (neither fights back), but nothing that would explain this behavior (to a layman, anyway.) Is there something about being "protected" by Mirisa that causes this? (PS3 player, for what it's worth)
-edit- Trying to replicate this phenomenon, I had mixed results. Sometimes the killing would count in the journal and be "observed," other times one or the other and, occasionally, neither. Typically, if no one else at the camp was aware of the death, there would be no bounty, no "murder," and no "observation." 03:31, 17 October 2009 (UTC)