Oblivion Mod:Wyverex's Runes

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Wyverex's Runes[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) Wyverex
Current Version 1.0
Last updated 27 Feb 2008
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements OBSE
Playing Time N/A
Quests (Side Quests) N/A


This mod adds 32 Rune stones to Oblivion. These stones will give you a boost to your stats and skills. Theres a stone for every stat, skill, and there is also three stones the recharge your health, magicka, and fatigue. To use these rune you simply need to carry them in your inventory. Rune abilities do stack, so there's a good reason to have more then one of the same type. The runes are added to 25+ leveled lists so they will appear randomly.

