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Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Miscellaneous Items

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This page lists all of the Miscellaneous Items added by Stirk.


Name ID Weight Value Notes
Large Gold Nugget xx00F4EA 0.75 250 A gold nugget three times the size of a normal one; only found in Therander Polle's house.

Quest Items[edit]

Name ID Weight Value Notes
Zeek's Femur xx001936 4.0 0 Zeek's femur; found in Polle Gold Mine's Abandoned Shaft during The Abandoned Miner quest.
Zeek's Humerus xx001935 4.0 0 Zeek's humerus.
Zeek's Pelvis xx001931 7.0 0 Zeek's pelvis.
Zeek's Ribcage xx001930 5.0 0 Zeek's ribcage.


Name ID Weight Value Notes
Imperial Navy Seal xx00F4EA 0.50 0 The official seal of the Imperial Navy; found in Fort Stirk's Commander's Office and East Hall

Note on Object IDs[edit]

The first two digits of all the Object IDs are given as "xx" because the actual digits will depend upon how many plug-ins or mods you have installed and the order in which you have installed them. For example, if Stirk is the only plug-in you have installed, the first two digits will be "01".