Mage Conversation Guild[edit]
The only people in this faction are the Mage Scholars and Mage Apprentices in Arcane University. It grants its members a unique set of dialogue - mainly about magical projects.
Information |
Editor Id |
MageConvGuild |
FormId |
00069476 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Mages Guild[edit]
For more information on this faction, see the Mages Guild page. The faction relationships ensure a frosty reception from Necromancers, and a good one from fellow guild members - although at least one ex-member reacts differently.
Information |
Editor Id |
MagesGuild |
FormId |
00022296 |
Flags |
None |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Associate |
1 |
Apprentice |
2 |
Journeyman |
3 |
Evoker |
4 |
Conjurer |
5 |
Magician |
6 |
Warlock |
7 |
Wizard |
8 |
Master-Wizard |
9 |
Arch-Mage |
Countess Alessia Caro visits Mahei and Numeen every Turdas from 6pm until 10pm for her evening meal. The cells making up Mahei's house are owned by this faction, which means the Countess (and bodyguard) can come and go quite literally as if they owned the place.
Information |
Editor Id |
MaheiFamilyFaction |
FormId |
00035974 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Malacath Faction[edit]
This faction simply gives its members a common set of dialogue topics and responses.
Information |
Editor Id |
DAMalacathFaction |
FormId |
0001bf5f |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Malacath Ogre Faction[edit]
All the ogres enslaved in Bleak Mine are in this faction. During Malacath's Quest, this faction is given a +50 boost in relationship with the Player Faction to stop the ogres attacking.
Information |
Editor Id |
MalacathOgreFaction |
FormId |
0009f986 |
Flags |
None |
Members |
Name |
Rank |
Ogre |
n/a |
Manheim and Rufio Faction[edit]
This faction owns a door in the basement of the Inn of Ill Omen—the one to the room where Rufio runs when woken by the player. The door is usually locked with a hard lock but Rufio's membership means he can open it without difficulty.
Information |
Editor Id |
ManheimRufioFaction |
FormId |
0000558c |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Mankar Camoran faction[edit]
This faction seems to exist simply to give its members the "Special Combat" option. The only other purpose is that the Mythic Dawn faction has a +100 relationship with this one. Ruma and Raven Camoran are added to this faction during the Paradise quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
MankarCamoranFaction |
FormId |
00097cad |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil, SpecialCombat |
Mankar Camoran haters[edit]
Apart from causing its members to like the player a little more than usual, this faction gives its members a set of dialogue options about how life in Gaiar Alata is a "nightmare". Compare to the Mankar Camoran lovers.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ15MythicDawnFactionC |
FormId |
0008573e |
Flags |
Evil |
Mankar Camoran lovers[edit]
The only purpose of this faction is to give its members a set of dialogue options about Mehrunes Dagon's expected victory and how they believe they will be summoned by their master imminently.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ15MythicDawnFactionA |
FormId |
00085725 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Marauder Faction[edit]
All Marauders are members of this faction, which ensures a deathly enmity with Bandits.
Information |
Editor Id |
MarauderFaction |
FormId |
00035fd1 |
Flags |
Evil |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Grunt |
1 |
Boss |
Margarte's House in Leyawiin is owned by this faction, and it simply grants her and Eitar access and ownership of the contents.
Information |
Editor Id |
MargarteFaction |
FormId |
00035977 |
Flags |
None |
Marillin Family[edit]
The three zones comprising The King and Queen Tavern are owned by this faction. Presumably Ley Marillin was also intended to be a member, given the faction's name and its relationship, but as he never moves from his spot behind the bar, his absence doesn't affect anything.
Information |
Editor Id |
MarillinFamily |
FormId |
00022b6f |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Ranks |
Number |
Male Rank |
Female Rank |
0 |
Father |
Mother |
Marinus Catiotus Faction[edit]
The only function of this faction is to give its members a relationship boost. Evidently, Marinus' claim to be an "associate" of Ida Vlinorman is more than just words.
Information |
Editor Id |
MarinusCatiotusFaction |
FormId |
00016236 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Ranks |
Number |
Male Rank |
Female Rank |
0 |
Him |
Her |
Martin's faction[edit]
Given the importance of this faction's only member, the faction itself is of surprisingly little relevance. It is given ownership of a horse during the Weynon Priory quest, and gets a relationship boost with the Player Faction during Find the Heir.
Information |
Editor Id |
MartinFaction |
FormId |
000904d7 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Relationships |
Related Faction |
Disposition Boost |
Mythic Dawn |
-100 |
This faction owns Matthias Draconis' house in the Talos Plaza District. It lets its members come and go as they please.
Information |
Editor Id |
MatthiasDraconisFaction |
FormId |
00022bbc |
Flags |
None |
Mazoga Friend[edit]
The player becomes a member of this faction after agreeing to pay Mogens Wind-Shifter a visit during the related quest. The only effect is to make Mazoga a life-long friend, and to stop combat with Mogens and gang occurring before the correct point.
Information |
Editor Id |
MazogaFriend |
FormId |
000908ab |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Mehrunes Dagon faction[edit]
In addition to the members listed below, the daedra who burst into the council chamber towards the end of the main quest are added at that time. The faction exists to ensure enmity between the Imperial troops and the Daedra and to give Martin a set of dialogue options when fighting them.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ16DaedraFaction |
FormId |
000152eb |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Mephala Faction[edit]
Like the other factions for daedra worshippers, this one simply gives its members a common set of conversations and topics.
Information |
Editor Id |
DAMephalaFaction |
FormId |
0001bf60 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Meridia Faction[edit]
Like the other factions for daedra worshippers, this one simply gives its members a common set of conversations and topics.
Information |
Editor Id |
DAMeridiaFaction |
FormId |
0001bf61 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Methredhel's House[edit]
Lets the three residents of Methredhel's house enter and leave.
Information |
Editor Id |
MethredhelHouseFaction |
FormId |
0005202e |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Mogens Wind-Shifter Faction[edit]
This faction is used only to ensure the bandits in Mazoga's quest stay friendly with each other and, until the quest requires otherwise, with Mazoga and the player.
Information |
Editor Id |
MogensWindshifterFaction |
FormId |
00085956 |
Flags |
Evil |
Molag Bal Faction[edit]
Like the other factions for daedra worshippers, this one simply gives its members a common set of conversations and topics.
Information |
Editor Id |
DAMolagBalFaction |
FormId |
0001bf62 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Morag Tong[edit]
This faction only contains the Morag Tong Assassin found in a prison cell under Sundercliff Watch. Its purpose is to ensure that the assassin will be attacked by the whole Drothmeri Army if he escapes. The faction only appears when the Mehrunes' Razor official plug-in is installed.
Information |
Editor Id |
DL9MoragTongFaction |
Form Id |
xx00252f |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Moth Caretakers[edit]
The function of this faction is unknown. It isn't referenced by any scripts and owns no objects. It seems simply to group its three members together.
Information |
Editor Id |
MothCaretakers |
FormId |
0000c55c |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Moth Priests[edit]
Allows its members free access to several places, from the Temple of the Ancestor Moths to the Imperial Palace Library. In addition, it provides a special group of dialogue options to its members.
The Rat in this faction is a special type found only in the Temple Catacombs.
Information |
Editor Id |
MothPriests |
FormId |
00093cc7 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Priest |
MQ10 allies[edit]
Burd and the player are both added to this faction at the start of the Bruma Gate quest and removed again after leaving Oblivion. Apart from reinforcing friend and foe relationships, members of the faction can use a common set of suitably motivational or nervous conversational topics, such as "I sure hope you know what you're doing" and "The Captain's in charge. I'll follow his orders".
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ10AlliesFaction |
FormId |
000981bd |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
MQ12 Goblin Faction[edit]
This faction contains the goblins from the Miscarcand quest. It causes the battle with the undead present in the ruin.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ12Goblins |
FormId |
00032b94 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
MQ12 Undead Faction[edit]
This faction contains the undead from the Miscarcand quest. It causes the battle with the goblins present in the ruin.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ12Undead |
FormId |
00032b93 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
MQ13 allies faction[edit]
This faction gives all the allies during the Defense of Bruma a common set of dialogue options: various phrases like "We'll give them a good fight. They'll know they tangled with the best Cyrodiil has to offer". Martin and Burd are always added to this faction just before the battle, and Viera Lerus and Ulrich Leland are added if their parts of the Allies for Bruma quest have been completed. All four are removed again after the battle.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ13BattleAllies |
FormId |
000272bf |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
MQ13 Daedra faction[edit]
Apart from causing various groups to dislike each other, this faction exists mainly to give Martin a set of dialogue responses when fighting daedra during the Defense of Bruma quest. "Stand fast for Bruma!", "That's for my father!" and "Remember Kvatch!" are among the lines he can use while fighting members of this faction.
The "Dremora Captain" and "Dremora Lord" never appear in the game; they are templates for other dremora from leveled lists.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ13DaedraFaction |
FormId |
0003ab88 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Members |
Name |
Rank |
Dremora Captain |
n/a |
Dremora Lord |
n/a |
Scamp |
n/a |
S'razirr is added to this faction if the player enlists his aid during the Nothing You Can Possess quest. It simply adjusts his reaction to the player and his former colleagues.
Information |
Editor Id |
MS22PCFriendFaction |
FormId |
0002c725 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
MS27 dungeon crawl friends[edit]
Claude Maric, Umbacano and the player are added to this faction when the three of you are about to explore Nenalata during the Secrets of the Ayleids quest. Umbacano is removed before he transforms; Claude and the player are removed when the quest ends.
Information |
Editor Id |
MS27AlliesFaction |
FormId |
000a9445 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
MS31 Blackwater Brigands[edit]
Merely ensures that the four hijackers dislike the player.
Information |
Editor Id |
MS31HatePlayer |
FormId |
000146c3 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Mucianus Zombie Faction[edit]
Since Mucianus Allias is a Zombie, he would attack the player on sight. This faction prevents that from happening.
Information |
Editor Id |
MG12ZombieFaction |
FormId |
00095031 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Mystic Emporium Faction[edit]
Contains the two residents of the Mystic Emporium. Without the download, only Calindil lives in the building and so ownership can simply be established by pointing to his ID. With the addition of Aurelinwae, however, a faction is necessary so both members can enter and leave freely. The faction only exists once the Wizard's Tower official download has been installed.
Information |
Editor Id |
ICMysticEmporiumFaction |
Form Id |
01001250 |
Flags |
None |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Member |
Mythic Dawn[edit]
This faction has several functions. Firstly, it gives its members the standard Mythic Dawn conversation and battle dialogue. Second, it sets up several relationships, for instance, causing hatred of the Blades but preventing them attacking Jeelius. Third, it owns several cells ranging from the shrine in Lake Arrius Caverns to Jearl's house in Bruma and Eugal Belette's house in Chorrol.
The player briefly joins this faction during the main quest.
Information |
Editor Id |
MythicDawn |
FormId |
00029f82 |
Flags |
Evil |
Ranks |
Number |
Rank |
0 |
Initiate |
1 |
Acolyte |
Mythic Dawn for CG[edit]
Exists mainly to cause its members to attack the emperor and guards during the tutorial.
Information |
Editor Id |
MythicDawnCG |
FormId |
00014a20 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil, SpecialCombat |
Mythic Dawn immortals in the Garden[edit]
Another faction that exists mainly to provide its members with unique lines of dialogue, although this one also stops its members slaughtering the wildlife.
Information |
Editor Id |
MQ15ImmortalFaction |
FormId |
00047221 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Mythic Dawn prisoner faction[edit]
In itself, this faction does nothing. It is the relationship defined by the Mythic Dawn faction that is most relevant, stopping the members attacking Jeelius. Jeelius is removed from the faction when released or killed by the player.
Information |
Editor Id |
MythicDawnPrisoner |
FormId |
000272be |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |