This page displays all narrative dialogue found in Oblivion Mobile, ordered by quest. Some lines of dialogue are contained in the game data but never actually appear in-game; they are noted here for the sake of completion.
Prologue |
The moon rose over Tamriel, red with Imperial blood.
The sons of the Emperor have been slain by a mysterious cult, the Dragon Throne to be their next target.
The Imperial guards rush to smuggle the Emperor out of the Imperial City through a secret passage in the prison but the cult struck too quickly...
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Guard |
Make haste, My Liege! The footsteps are drawing closer!
Quick, Emperor, the secret passageway is in this cell.
Move, prisoner. We must pass.
Champion |
So this is the emperor...
And if I do not?
Guard |
We're too late!! They're here! Defend the Dragon Throne!!
Emperor |
You there, quickly. Take this.
Find Jauffre and give this to him. He will know what to do.
We must save... the mortal plane... from...
Champion |
Now to escape.
I need a disguise so I can get out of this prison...I suppose the Emperor's clothes will do.
Mythic Dawn |
He has the Amulet of Kings! Kill him!! |
Champion |
Hold...wait just a moment. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
If I leave now, I have a feeling I won't be able to come back. |
Champion |
That takes care of the leader. The rest won't bother the town anymore, but now to escape and be gone from here. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Jauffre |
You there! Why do you wear the robes of the Emperor?! |
Champion |
This disguise is useless. |
Jauffre |
You bear the Amulet of Kings!
What is the fate of the Emperor?!
Champion |
Are you Jauffre? |
Jauffre |
Yes, I am he. |
Champion |
He commanded me to give this to you. |
Jauffre |
It is as I feared then.
The Emperor is no longer with us. We have but one choice then.
All of his legitimate heirs have been slain.
You must go to Kvatch and retrieve Martin, the only illegitimate son of the Emperor.
Champion |
Wait. This is not my concern, unless you'll part with Imperial gold... |
Jauffre |
So it comes to that then.
Fine. The Empire will handsomely compensate you upon your return.
Now go. I have much to attend to.
Bring Martin to Weynon Priory.
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
What is going on?! I must find Martin. Where is he? |
Guard |
He is lost to us. He has entered the gate that is allowing the evil to enter our city. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Stefan |
Stranger! Help me please! The Daedroth are leading the scamps into Kvatch, and I can't hold them off alone.
Kill the Daedroth that lead the scamps, and I will reward you.
Stefan |
Thank you, sir! Here is your reward. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Mythic Dawn |
What? How did YOU get in here?! |
Mythic Dawn |
Get him! He must not enter the Shrine! |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Mankar Camoran |
The Dragon Throne is empty, and we hold the Amulet of Kings! Praise be to your brothers and sisters who preceded you to Paradise in service to Lord Dagon!
An intruder! He must be destroyed! Protect the book!
Champion |
Hmm... This must be the tome that Jauffre spoke of. If I can't bring back the Amulet, maybe this will aid Jauffre. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
Oh, you're here...
Shouldn't you be... outside? ...Looking for assassins?
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Guard |
Go about your business. |
Guard |
Move along, citizen. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Citizen |
I fear for the Empire. |
Citizen |
I hear assassins are in the city. |
Citizen |
Times are tough. |
Citizen |
I hope this madness ends soon. |
Citizen |
The guards are on alert, looking for assassins. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Avery |
...these three minor gates will allow us to open a Greater Gate in Bruma. We may then invade the town and kill the illegitimate heir to the. |
Rylander |
Someone's here! Kill him!! |
Champion |
That should do it for the assassins... Now to find the Oblivion gates they were trying to open. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Guard |
An Intruder! Destroy him!! |
Champion |
Now to deactivate these gates. |
Champion |
If I leave now, I have a feeling I won't be able to come back. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
Well, that should take care of these gates.
Now to get back to Jauffre and Martin.
Dialogue |
[Note: This line of dialogue doesn't appear in game.]
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Vernon |
I saw you take care of those assassins... I'm impressed.
Maybe you can help me. Exit the city to the north and find my commander.
We were separated while repelling the last Daedric incursion into the city.
Find him please. Go through the entrance to the North.
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Rufus |
Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!
My charge and I were separated and I was cornered here.
Champion |
No need to worry now: I've cleared out a path so we can get you gone from here. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Rufus |
Thank you again for leading me back to town. |
Vernon |
Thank you, sir! Here is your reward. |
Vernon |
Where is my commander? |
Champion |
I could not find him. I'm sorry. |
Vernon |
No! It cannot be! Greate [sic] are the losses of these days! *sniff* |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
Oh, you're back! Did you find anything? |
Champion |
Yes, I found the assassins. They were trying to open a Greater Gate in Bruma. |
Martin |
Do you think they will still attempt to assassinate me? |
Champion |
I severely doubt it. |
Jauffre |
Well, good. While you were gone, Martin translated a part of the Mysterium Xerxes [sic]. It seems the tome is a gateway to Gaiar Alata, Mankar Camoran's Paradise. |
Champion |
Paradise? |
Jauffre |
The 'Promised Land' for his followers. It is most likely that we'll find him - and the Amulet of Kings - there. |
Champion |
Then how do we open the gate? |
Martin |
The first reagent needed to open a gate is the Azura's Star. |
Champion |
I have heard rumors on where to find one. I will return soon. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
[Note: This line of dialogue doesn't appear in game.]
Now to take this artifact back to Martin and Jauffre.
Champion |
Now that I have the artifact, I should go back to the cave entrance. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Baynham |
To witness the armor of Tiber Septim, you must follow the Sun's course. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
Now to take this artifact back to Martin and Jauffre. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
This sample is perfect. The next element is The Great Welkynd Stone. |
Jauffre |
You might look in Miscarcand, a ruined city of the Ayleids, an ancient elven race. Be careful, as their spirits there might not be willing to part with it. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
Hm, there's an inscription on this wall. It's faded...
Twilight falls upon the elves... May the Sun guide you... and the moon follow thereafter...
Hmm. I wonder what that means...
Champion |
[Note: This line of dialogue doesn't appear in game.]
This pedestal seems to have two slots carved into it.
Dialogue |
[Note: This line of dialogue doesn't appear in game.]
You have placed the Elven Totems correctly.
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
This must be what the inscription was talking about earlier. |
Spirit |
Who dares disturb our hallowed resting place? |
Spirit |
A Champion? |
Spirit |
We will not relent our secrets so easily, Champion of Septim. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Spirit |
What is it that you seek? |
Spirit |
If you have come to rob the dead, you will find us hardly an easy mark. |
Champion |
I mean you no disrespect, spirit. I must find The Great Welkynd Stone these ruins hide, however. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Spirit |
You persist? Your drive is admirable, Champion. |
Spirit |
Prove to us you are worthy, and you may have what you seek. |
Spirit |
Cross the bridge to the final challenge. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
Now to take this artifact back to Martin and Jauffre. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
I should have seen it sooner. The final item we require is a Great Sigil Stone, which is used to hold open Oblivion Gates. |
Jauffre |
Which means, I'm afraid, that we need to allow the Mythic Dawn to open The Great Gate in Bruma. |
Champion |
What?! |
Martin |
It's the only way. By allowing them to open a gate, we can get the Sigil Stone from Oblivion. |
Champion |
Won't this put you in danger? They plan to murder you! |
Martin |
Tis the only way. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Champion |
Now to take this artifact back to Martin and Jauffre. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
You've returned! Cyrodil [sic] shall be in your debt. You should prepare yourself now to travel to Gaiar Alata to Confront [sic] Mankar Camoran. When you are ready, speak to Martin [sic] before you go. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
Very well, I'll perform the ritual. Luck be with you. |
Champion |
Thank you, Martin. I'll return shortly. |
Jauffre |
We eagerly await your return. |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Mankar Camoran |
You are too late! The Lord of Destruction shall prevail! |
Character |
Name |
Dialogue |
Martin |
Thank goodness the summon worked. Quickly now, the Lord of Destruction now stands between us and the Dragonfires. No mortal weapon or magic can harm him. |
Champion |
Then what do we do? |
Martin |
Our only hope is to avoid him, enter the Temple, and light the Dragonfires. |
Champion |
Very well. I'll protect you. Let's be on our way! |
Epilogue |
Martin and you arrive at the Temple of the One, but Mehrunes Dagon breaks through the Temple dome and threatens to destroy you.
Martin shatters the Amulet of Kings and transforms himself into an avatar of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time.
In the dragon form he banishes Mehrunes Dagon into Oblivion and Ends [sic] the Oblivion Crisis...
...and then vanishes.
Whether he is dead, or has Ascended [sic] to join his ancestor Tiber Septim, no one yet knows.