Morrowind talk:Fortify Health
Ah shucks, I read the wiki too late and my health is about 4000/400. Each time the fortify health potion wears off i die, even while resting in a bed...any help would be nice. I already tried to use fortify health constant effect: clothing, armor, jewelry. However, none of them seem to make up for the damage I lost with the potion active. My present solution is to keep drinking fortify health potions which is rather annoying. Re-loading before puts me back around 30 hrs of game— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 13 Oct. 2009
- If you happened to play on PC, you're really lucky; just type TGM in console, otherwise you're screwed. The debt, that you are about to pay is far much more than you can survive. 4000 at once. The healing will not even take an effect, because you will die in a blink of an eye regardless of your HP regen. Even another fortify does not provide a solution. You just have to figure how to survive (have at least 1 HP) upon fortify expires. Even there is one way to consider animations/dumb moments in game, that would keep you alive, but thats seem pointless. Try to make HP regen potion with 4000 HP regen, that's my guess. Janmojzis 14:31, 18 October 2009 (UTC)
- Such a dilemma can be remedied naturally, but it takes some patience and good timing, and you'll need to be aware when the current Fortify is about to wear off. . .as it's waning, cast a Fortify Health for 3610 points lasting 10 or 20 seconds. You should end up at 10/400 health. Restore your health quickly, and as your 3610 point spell is expiring, cast Fortify Health 3220 points, restore your health, etc., "stair-stepping" the overage down until it's less than your maximum health and again managable. 15:14, 1 September 2011 (UTC)
I'm using the Morrowind Code Patch and I still have the same exact problem, and this applies as well to Fortify Magicka and Fortify Fatigue. As soon as the effect wears off, my numbers are pushed into the extreme negatives. If this happens with Fortify Fatigue, my character instantly collapses from exhaustion, which is not good if there are enemies around. If it happens with Fortify Magicka, it's especially bad if I have the Atronach birthsign, as I'm then forced to use a super potion of Restore Magicka just to get it back up. Of course, if this happens with Fortify Health, my just character keels over dead, akin to the Sudden Heart Attack Syndrome seen in the Thief games. As of yet, I can think of no way around this, other than to completely avoid using such fortify effects.FrozenWolf150 (talk) 16:15, 19 September 2012 (GMT)
Use the console commands to increase your maximum health (Player ->SetHealth) to a number that will exceed the loss once the effect wears off. Then you can use the console to reset your health to it's natural maximum once you've fixed the issue.