The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Name | Type | Dungeon Modules |
The Vyctyrrya Convergence | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
The Angator Web | Spider Nest | 14 |
The Hold of Wickton | Barbarian Stronghold | 10 |
Kinghouse Tower | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
Gaerhart's Guard | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Gaol of Gondywyr | Prison | 8 |
The Stronghold of Gaerham | Ruined Castle | 12 |
Ruins of Buckington Court | Desecrated Temple | 14 |
Hearthwing Tower | Mine | 8 |
Castle Hawkford | Prison | 11 |
The Tower of Yeomhouse | Barbarian Stronghold | 8 |
Ruins of Castle Wickford | Natural Cave | 13 |
Ruins of The Old Woodwing Shack | Desecrated Temple | 8 |
The Gaerham Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
The Stronghold of Bedyval | Human Stronghold | 8 |
The Hold of Moorhouse | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Mareriva Minster | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
The Ashton Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Stronghold of Mastersly | Prison | 13 |
Yeomfield's Guard | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Trogirath | Orc Stronghold | 13 |
Castle Edwyctor | Human Stronghold | 10 |
The Citadel of Hearthsly | Ruined Castle | 12 |
Hearthwing's Hold | Mine | 8 |
Ruins of The Moorsley Farmstead | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
The Kingsly Vaults | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Necromanoth Hall | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Ruins of The Wickham Farmstead | Vampire Haunt | 8 |
Ruins of Hawkton Manor | Vampire Haunt | 10 |
The Homunatorgon Cave | Natural Cave | 12 |
The Tombs of Yeomham | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
THe Crypts of Kingfield | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Hold of Ashwing | Orc Stronghold | 13 |
The Woodsly Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
The Hold of Masterhouse | Crypt | 8 |
Bedistyr Laboratory | Laboratory | 12 |
The Cult of Vannolda | Coven | 13 |
Morphang | Orc Stronghold | 10 |
The Citadel of Woodfield | Ruined Castle | 13 |
The Kinghart Cemetery | Cemetery | 5 |
The Cavern of Maeleusena | Natural Cave | 8 |
The Uthywyr Asylum | Prison | 14 |
The Tower of Tristyval | Human Stronghold | 13 |
The Hold of Copperwing | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Ruins of The Tower of Copperham | Prison | 11 |
Ruins of Wickhart Grange | Natural Cave | 12 |
Ruins of Ashhouse Manor | Ruined Castle | 12 |
The Copperford Cemetery | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
Buckinghart's Guard | Spider Nest | 12 |
The Stronghold of Kinghouse | Human Stronghold | 11 |
Tricerrath | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
The Stronghold of Masterham | Giant Stronghold | 8 |
Vermangon | Orc Stronghold | 12 |
Hearthton's Hold | Human Stronghold | 11 |
The Wickcroft Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Maelanxia Shrine | Desecrated Temple | 12 |
The Yeomsmith Tombs | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Masterfield Graveyard | Forgotten Cemetery | 5 |
The Theodyn Prison | Prison | 12 |
The Tower of Yeoming | Ruined Castle | 8 |
Tower Gaersley | Desecrated Temple | 11 |
Seknoker | Orc Stronghold | 13 |
Copperham's Guard | Desecrated Temple | 10 |
The Citadel of Copperfield | Mine | 10 |