Category talk:Skyrim-Quests-Miscellaneous
Subcategory quests in this category[edit]
Right now, a fairly large number of the pages that are in subcategories of this category are also listed in this category. However, not all of them are. We should have a standard policy for members of this category.
I think that subcategory pages (like Skyrim-Quests-Miscellaneous-Favors and Skyrim-Quests-Miscellaneous-Thane etc.) shouldn't be listed in this category. This category is absolutely enormous as it is and the subcategory quests are easy to find from the top of the category anyway. Plus, delisting the subcategory pages would mean that we could just have their categories be automatically set by Trail templates, which are easier for editors to use.
What does everyone else think? --Morrolan (talk) 20:36, 13 September 2013 (GMT)