The Elder Scrolls: Castles begins with an introductory sequence providing an explanation for the founding of the game's kingdom. Following the introduction, a tutorial for the game begins, explaining the various mechanics.
Introduction Sequence[edit]
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Such a moment came when Odar the Brave led us to defeat the Ogres that plagued this land.
Made ruler of the small kingdom by the emperor, Odar left a life of adventure to establish a new dynasty.
But heavy are the crown's duties on a ruler's head, and with time Odar began to dream of new conquests.
Though perhaps not of the kind Queen Ysabel approved of...
You will then see an intro for your kingdom building:
- Cassius the Elder: "Welcome to your kingdom, part of the Glorious Empire of Tamriel!
Every day you play is a year of your subjects' lives. Watch over them from birth to death, and help them prosper.
The fate of all the generations to come is in your hands."
The throne room will then appear:
- Cassius the Elder: "Ah, it appears King Odar has a decision to make, most likely important state affairs."
Odar will have a decision to make:
- Ysabel of Camlorn: "Odar! You neglect your kingly duties while fooling around with this Khajiiti wrench. I demand you cast her out at once!"
You can respond with one of the following:
- What I do with Alassi is none of your business!
- I swear she means nothing to me, my queen.
Regardless, Ysabel will respond with the following:
- Ysabel of Camlorn: "This isn't over."
Odar's wife and his affair partner will then leave his sight, which allows an argonian assassin to slay him with no witnesses:
After Odar is gone:
"King Odar was killed by unknown assassins. May Arkay guide his soul."
- Cassius the Elder: "That's a shame about Odar, but his dynasty must endure. You need to choose the next ruler."
You then have the choices between Alassi, Jofarr, Rahim al-Elinhir, and Ysabel of Camlorn
If you chose Alassi, Odar's Khajiit mistress:
- Jofarr: "You usurper, I know you had my father assassinated, and I will prove it if it's the last thing I do!"
You can respond with one of the following:
- Anger us Khajiit and it will be the last thing you do.
- Alassi swears she didn't do it, and she'll prove it.
If you choose Jofarr, Odar's Nord son:
- Ysabel of Camlorn: "My son, you must honor your father's memory and bring his assassin to justice. It was his Khajiit lover, I am sure of it!"
You can respond with one of the following:
- Together we will make her pay, mother.
- Father cheated on you. He got what he deserved.
If you chose Rahim, Odar's Redguard nephew:
- Jofarr: "Rahim, you double-crossing snake! I was destined to sit on this throne, not you! Was this all part of your plan?"
You can respond with one of the following:
- You make a powerful enemy by accusing me.
- Please, cousin, let us be friends and you can help me rule.
If you chose Ysabel, Odar's Breton wife:
- Jofarr: "How dare you sully the king's memory by sitting on that throne? You had your own husband murdered, I will prove it!"
You can respond with one of the following:
- Please Jofarr, let me prove to you it was Alassi.
- My own son, accusing me?! You'll regret that!
After choosing an heir:
- Cassius the Elder: "Very well. As the castle elder I will help you with the basics of building and running a castle. Our keep feels a bit small. Let's start by making more room."
You will then be taught how to build. After a certain threshold, Cassius will stop you:
- Cassius the Elder: "That's enough building for now."
You will then be shown the new subject arrival mechanic:
"A new subject has arrived at the gate."
- Cassius the Elder: "Ah a newcomer! Let's put them to work making food."
Food meter mechanic is introduced:
- Cassius the Elder: "Keep an eye on the Food Meter. If it falls below the indicated thresehold subjects will begin to starve. Starving subjects lose Health. When they run out of Health, they become Weak and can't work as hard."