Blades:Frost Atronachs

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A Frost Atronach

Frost Atronachs are an enemy group that are weak to slashing and fire damage, but are immune to frost and poison damage. Their attacks deal frost and cleaving damage. The divine weapon Lichslayer targets both weaknesses of Frost Atronachs.

High-level Frost Atronachs have a rare chance to drop Atronite when defeated.

For more information, see the main lore article.



Frost Atronachs Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Weakness to Fire Resist Frost Resist Poison Weakness to Slashing Resist Bashing Spells Abilities
Frost Atronach Min 25 59 814 245 245 351 252 11.76 Immune Immune 12.6 12.6 Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Harrying Bash (1)
Power Attack (1)
Max 35 73 1,098 295 295 452 322
Potent Frost Atronach Min 36 75 1,132 300 300 462 331 14.84 Immune Immune 15.9 15.9 Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (2)
Polar Slam (1)
Harrying Bash (1)
Max 46 88 1,318 350 350 560 399
Frost Thrall Min 47 90 1,283 355 355 568 402 17.52 Immune Immune 18.77 18.77 Blizzard Armor (2)
Ice Spike (3)
Frostbite (3)
Polar Slam (1)
Harrying Bash (2)
Max 57 102 1,577 405 405 647 462
Potent Frost Thrall Min 58 104 1,671 410 410 650 469 21.42 Immune Immune 22.95 22.95 Blizzard Armor (3)
Ice Spike (5)
Frostbite (4)
Polar Slam (2)
Reflecting Bash (3)
Guardbreaker (2)
Harrying Bash (4)
Max 68 121 1,962 460 460 768 563
Ancient Frost Atronach Min 69 122 2,028 465 465 780 571 26.04 Immune Immune 27.9 27.9 Blizzard Armor (4)
Ice Spike (8)
Frostbite (6)
Polar Slam (3)
Reflecting Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Harrying Bash (5)
Max 79 138 2,389 515 515 900 666
Ancient Frost Thrall Min 80 139 2,407 520 520 912 674 32.76 Immune Immune 35.1 35.1 Blizzard Armor (6)
Ice Spike (11)
Frostbite (9)
Polar Slam (5)
Reflecting Bash (6)
Guardbreaker (6)
Harrying Bash (8)
Max 100 171 3,072 620 620 1,152 860