Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Ananril's House

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Ananril's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Respawn Time 10 days
Important Treasure
A Game at Dinner
Mannimarco, King of Worms
Console Location Code(s)
County Bruma
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
Ananril's House

Ananril's House is a small shack in Bruma's southern district.

It is the home of Ananril, an apothecary with a stall in the nearby market. It stands in the shadow of the Cathedral of St. Martin and lies just across from The Restful Watchman and Botram the Hammer's House.

The shack consists of a single room filled with potions: on the ground, on top of barrels and in shelves (see table below for a full list). There are also a bed, an alchemy lab, an apprentice-locked chest, a novice-locked strongbox, a barrel each of common and uncommon ingredients, portions of ogre teeth, ash salts, fire salts and frost salts, recipes of Resist Shock Potion and Cure Disease Potion, the spell tome Conjure Scamp and the Alchemy skill books A Game at Dinner and Mannimarco, King of Worms.




  • The shack's front door has a Hard lock and is locked at all times.
  • The two sacks and the barrel of common ingredients respawn; all other containers do not.
  • The building occupies the same location as Ongar's House in Oblivion.


Fortify Skill
Fortify and Restore HMS*
1 Conjurer's Draught
1 Draught of the Berserker
1 Philter of Pickpocketing
1 Philter of the Berserker
1 Potion of Alteration
1 Potion of Illusion
1 Potion of Light Feet
1 Potion of True Shot
1 Draught of Extra Magicka
1 Draught of Lasting Potency
2 Draughts of Regeneration
1 Elixir of Enhanced Stamina
2 Elixirs of Regeneration
3 Philters of Extra Magicka
1 Philter of Health
1 Potion of Lasting Potency
1 Potion of Magicka
1 Potion of Plentiful Stamina
1 Potion of Vigor
1 Solution of Enhanced Stamina
1 Solution of Extra Magicka
2 Solutions of Health
1 Lingering Magicka Poison
1 Paralysis Poison
1 Potent Recovery Poison
1 Unceasing Magicka Poison
1 Vaermina's Torpor
1 Weak Fear Poison
1 Weak Lingering Poison
1 Draught of Resist Cold
1 Draught of Resist Shock
1 Draught of Strength
1 Elixir of Resist Cold
1 Elixir of Resist Magic
1 Elixir of Strength
1 Philter of Waterbreathing
1 Potion of Cure Disease
1 Potion of Resist Cold
1 Potion of Strength
2 Potions of Waterbreathing

* Health, Magicka or Stamina