Better Cities:Danielle

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(RefID: xx063887)
Home City Imperial City Market District
Location Zenithar Apartments
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 15 Class Publican
RefID xx063887 BaseID xx041C22
Available 6am to 6pm, every day
Gold 50 Mercantile Expert (80)
Sells Potions
Other Information
Health 132 Magicka 87
Respons. 80 Aggress. 2
Faction(s) Danielle & Sara; Dan's Drinkery; IC Citizens

Danielle is a Breton publican who lives in the Zenithar Apartments, an apartment building in the Imperial City Market District. She shares a room with her rommate, Sara the Tall.

Danielle rises at 4am every morning and goes downstairs to eat breakfast; at 6am, she goes to Dan's Drinkery, where she works as a waitress. She gets off shift at 6pm, then she goes to have dinner at Palate's Imbuement for two hours. After dinner, she heads home and immediately goes to bed.

She wears a coarse linen shirt, red velvet skirt, and gold-trimmed shoes; she carries nothing but a key to her apartment.

Their apartment is located on the left-hand side of the building and occupies two floors. The lower floor is a dining area; it has a small table and two chairs, a counter in the back corner for food prep, a bookcase on the back wall with various common books, a food cupboard near the table, and a low dresser for clutter at the base of the stairs leading up. The second floor is their bedroom. A double bed sits against the wall opposite the door; it is flanked by two clothes cupboards to the left and a low dresser to the right. A bookshelf to the right holds some bottles of alcohol, tankards, a few coins, and a topaz. Another cupboard full of miscellaneous clutter sits in the back corner.

Aside from rumors, she has nothing special to say.