Skyrim:Military Forts

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Fort Greenwall

SR-mapicon-Fort.png This page lists all the military forts in Skyrim. Military camps are listed on a separate page.

The locations using the fort map marker can be roughly divided into three types. Forts affected by the Civil War appear in the first section. The occupants of these forts are initially bandits and mages. As the Skyrim Civil War progresses, either the Imperial Legion or Stormcloaks will take over and occupy the fort.

Forts can serve as settlements for factions: the Greybeards, the DawnguardDG, and the Volkihar Vampire ClanDG.

Other forts are set up as standard dungeons, with respawning enemies and a boss you must kill to clear the dungeon.

Civil War Forts[edit]

SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Amol — A medium-sized fort southwest of Windhelm initially occupied by warlocks. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Dunstad — A large fort south of Dawnstar initially occupied by bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Greenwall — A large fort north-northwest of Riften initially occupied by bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Greymoor — A medium-sized fort west of Whiterun initially occupied by bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Hraggstad — A medium-sized fort west of Solitude initially occupied by bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Kastav — A medium-sized fort south of Winterhold initially occupied by warlocks and skeletons. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Neugrad — A medium-sized fort east of Falkreath initially occupied by bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Snowhawk — A medium-sized fort west of Morthal initially occupied by necromancers and skeletons. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Sungard — A large fort east-southeast of Markarth initially occupied by Forsworn. (map)

Fort Settlements[edit]

SR-mapicon-Fort.png Castle VolkiharDG — A large castle on an island far northwest of Solitude connected to Volkihar Keep. (map)
Volkihar CourtyardDG — The courtyard attached to Castle Volkihar and Volkihar Keep.
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Volkihar KeepDG — A large fortress on an island far northwest of Solitude connected to Castle Volkihar which serves as the Volkihar vampire clan's home. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort DawnguardDG — A large fort southeast of Riften which serves as the Dawnguard's base of operations. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png High Hrothgar — A small settlement roughly halfway up the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. (map)

Fort Dungeons[edit]

SR-mapicon-Fort.png Ashfallow CitadelDB — A small Imperial fort east of Highpoint Tower and northwest of the Sun Stone being used as a base of operations by the Morag Tong. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Bloodlet Throne — A small fort occupied by vampires, vampire thralls, and wolves. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Broken Tower Redoubt — A medium-sized fort east of Karthwasten containing Forsworn. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Cracked Tusk Keep — A medium-sized fort west of Falkreath containing Orc bandits and hunters led by Ghunzul. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Darklight Tower — A medium-sized fort occupied by hagravens. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Driftshade Refuge — A medium-sized fort southeast of Dawnstar. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Faldar's Tooth — A medium-sized fort west of Riften containing bandits and wolves. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fellglow Keep — A large fort east-northeast of Whiterun containing warlocks, atronachs, and vampires. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort Fellhammer — A medium-sized fort and iron mine south of Dawnstar containing bandits. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Fort FrostmothDB — A small fort south of Highpoint Tower and northeast of Hrodulf's House occupied by ash spawn and General Falx Carius. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Gallows Rock — A small fort occupied by the Silver Hand. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Harmugstahl — A small fort north of Karthwasten containing the warlock Kornalus and his enchanted frostbite spiders. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Highpoint TowerDB — A small fort southeast of Brodir Grove and north of Fort Frostmoth occupied by ash spawn and Neloth's former apprentice Ildari Sarothril. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Ilinalta's Deep — A medium-sized fort on the shore of Lake Ilinalta that mysteriously collapsed. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Mistwatch — A medium-sized fort located at the northern base of the mountains on the border of the Rift and Eastmarch, just southeast of the Atronach Stone on the edge of the hot springs. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Morvunskar — A small fort southwest of, and overlooking, Windhelm. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Nightcaller Temple — A small fort on the clifftop overlooking Dawnstar. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Northwatch Keep — A medium-sized fort northwest of Dragon Bridge containing Thalmor. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Treva's Watch — A medium-sized fort situated to the southeast of Ivarstead, south of Sarethi Farm. (map)
SR-mapicon-Fort.png Western Watchtower — A small fort just west of Whiterun. (map)