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Online:Druid King

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This article is about the Tales of Tribute Patron and Deck. For the person it is named after, see Lore:Druid King.

"When mountain shakes and Sower wakes
The throne shall bloom again.
One choice, one will, one binding word
Shall bless or curse all lands."

—The Annotated Dream of Kasorayn
Druid King Patron

The Druid King Deck is a Tales of Tribute Card Deck and Patron themed after Druid King Kasorayn. The deck consists of 1 Starter Card, 13 unique Cards (20 total), and 4 Upgrades (replacing 7 total cards).

This deck is obtained by combining 5 Druid King Deck Fragments, which are obtained by completing various activities in Galen.


Image Name Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Druid Deck Fragment Found occasionally in delves on Galen. A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Dreamer's Druid Deck Fragment Complete the quest "The Dream of Kasorayn" on Galen. A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Geomancer's Druid Deck Fragment Found occasionally after sealing volcanic vents on Galen. A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Druid Deck Fragment Found occasionally after defeating World Bosses on Galen. A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Soothing Druid Deck Fragment Complete "The Best of Friends" achievement on Galen. A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.


This deck focuses on creating long, extensive combos to gain massive rewards through extensive agent usage. This is the first deck to feature While in Play effects that trigger every time the corresponding action happens while the card is active; on agents, this includes during the opponent's turn.



Combo 4 ON-icon-tribute-Druid.png (Passive): Add The Chimera to your cooldown. Pay 2 Power: ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 2 cards from the Tavern.

Combo 5 ON-icon-tribute-Druid.png(Passive): Add The Chimera to your cooldown. Pay 2 Power: ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 2 cards from the Tavern. This Patron now FAVORS you.

Pay 2 Power: ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 2 cards from the Tavern. This Patron is now NEUTRAL.



1 copy of the starter card Ritual Herbs is added to each player's deck at the start of the game.

Art Name Type Effect
ON-tribute-druid-Ritual Herbs.png Ritual Herbs Action ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.


There are 8 unique cards, with all copies totaling 20 cards.

Art Name Type Cost Health Effect Copies
ON-tribute-druid-Deepwoods Ritual.png Deepwoods Ritual Action 4 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 2 Power.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain 3 Prestige.
ON-tribute-druid-Eldertide Fenwitch.png Eldertide Fenwitch Agent 6 3 ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When any card, including this one, is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Create Cards.png Create 1 Wispcaller Totem card and place it in your cooldown pile.
2 (1)
ON-tribute-druid-Firesong Haruspex.png Firesong Haruspex Agent 5 1 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain 1 Prestige.
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When an agent, excluding this one, is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain 1 Prestige.
ON-tribute-druid-Forest Wraith.png Forest Wraith Contract Agent 4 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When any card is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
ON-tribute-druid-Runes of the Draoife.png Runes of the Draoife Action 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When an agent is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
3 (1)
ON-tribute-druid-Stonelore Rockseer.png Stonelore Rockseer Agent 5 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When an agent, including this one, is activated or played: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
3 (1)
ON-tribute-druid-Whispers of the Grove.png Whispers of the Grove Contract Action 2 ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
ON-tribute-druid-Wispcaller Totem.png Wispcaller Totem Action 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
Combo 4
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
3 (1)


There are 4 upgrades, obtainable from completing achievements or opening hidden chests with a clue.

Art Name Type Cost Health Effect Copies Replaces Obtained from
ON-tribute-druid-Draoife Ritecaller.png Draoife Ritecaller Agent 6 3 ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When any card, including this one, is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Create Cards.png Create 1 Wispheart Totem card and place it in your cooldown pile.
1 Eldertide Fenwitch (1) Achievement: By the Will of the Green
ON-tribute-druid-Druid King Vestments.png Druid King Vestments Action 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When any card is placed in your cooldown: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
2 Runes of the Draoife (2) Found in Galen after obtaining the Druid King Vestments Clue
ON-tribute-druid-Envoy of the Draoife.png Envoy of the Draoife Agent 5 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.
ON-icon-tribute-While in Play.png While In Play
When an agent, including this one, is activated or played: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
2 Stonelore Rockseeer (2) Achievement: Broken Braigh
ON-tribute-druid-Wispheart Totem.png Wispheart Totem Action 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.
Combo 4
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 3 Coin.
2 Wispcaller Totem (2) Found in Rivenspire after obtaining the Wispheart Totem Clue


There is a special card not obtainable through normal means, and is instead created by the Patron's effect.

Art Name Type Health Effect
ON-tribute-druid-The Chimera.png The Chimera Agent 5 This card has no play effect.
Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 2 Power.
Combo 4
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain 3 Prestige.
This agent must be attacked first. Prevents opponent’s end of turn power to prestige conversion.
Tales of Tribute Patrons
ON-tribute-patron-Ansei Frandar Hunding.png
Ansei Frandar Hunding
ON-tribute-patron-Druid King.png
Druid King Kasorayn
ON-tribute-patron-Blackfeather Court.png
Duke of Crows
ON-tribute-patron-House Hlaalu.png
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
ON-tribute-patron-Hermaeus Mora.png
Hermaeus Mora
Psijic Loremaster Celarus
Rajhin, the Purring Liar
ON-tribute-patron-Red Eagle.png
Red Eagle, King of the Reach
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Alessia.png
Saint Alessia
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Pelin.png
Saint Pelin
Sorcerer-King Orgnum